
RSVP. It’s good for your brand!

Vanessa Hill

Holidays are upon us and invitations to fun events may come your way. You may think your timely response is not important, but is this true? Can your RSVP or lack of RSVP affect your personal brand? As a marketing, business development, and PR person for a Silicon Valley law firm, I can tell you it truly can. Word travels fast and, yes, the way you respond to an invite may affect the way you, or your company, are perceived.

Many of us are so busy and somewhat overwhelmed with trying to win the marathon, we may forget that the simplest things may have a big impact. Yes, you are busy, and probably a little rusty on RSVP’ing to in-person events, but a simple response to an invitation, be it Yes or No, means a lot to the organizer and to those who review the guest list multiple times. A RSVP may be the last thing on your mind, or you may intend to respond later, but a late RSVP or no RSVP at all may send a negative message to the organizer.

You are on the invite list for a reason – hopefully to have the pleasure of your company at the event and because you are respected and valued by the person/organization planning the party. A non-response leaves room for interpretation by the organizer, such as maybe the invite was blocked, or worse the guest doesn’t value the invite.

Most of us have planned a dinner party or a corporate get together, and the names of those who have not RSVP’d stand out. To get the best headcount for catering, party space, and favors, someone will be asked to follow-up personally. Those missing names become even more noticeable after polite reminder emails, texts, or calls are made. Don’t think your name does not get mentioned to others on the planning committee and to those higher up. When someone mentions your name positively or negatively, that affects your personal brand. What people say about you when you are not in the room is how they view you and, by extension, your brand. 

As the holiday season approaches, and more in-person events start to fill your calendar, remember the Golden Rule – treat others as you would like to be treated. Show your appreciation and excitement for the invite to their event. Even if you don’t know and must look at your calendar, let the organizer know that you have received their invite and will check your calendar. Then don’t forget to make a note to yourself to respond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ after you check the calendar! Your personal brand and the organizer of the event thank you in advance.

Below is a recent infographic that I may have shared with my firm as the busy (but fun) holiday season approaches. Feel free to share with your team members, as well.

Be kind and RSVP in a timely manner.

RSVP Etiquette Tips

About the author Vanessa Hill

Vanessa oversees and implements the firm’s marketing programs and keeps partners abreast of current trends and strategies in legal marketing.  She serves as event coordinator for all firm events at Levi Stadium and the SAP Center of San Jose.